prelude to "production's fall"
for a few months now i have been ranting about how my lack of production, or the lack of production for any "man" could be cause for an autocrisis. If man doesn't produce, then he is not really "man". Recently those thoughts have realized their own error. The judgement of value, likely to the joy of euqailicists is no longer based on this production, but rather an equation of capacity to purchase. Some points/proofs that will later be developed in this series are:
-keeping up with the Joneses
-the ambiguation of the "masculine" space (the garage)
turns out that decor in the garage is the new manifestation of potent masculinty.
-ageless and genderless consumption
the rights movements and the generic power of purchase
-the threat of a purchase
built from ageless and genderless consumption, and the power in the possibility
grad credit anecdote
-the value of education: decline of the humanities and the increase in consumerism
-decrease funding for knowledge production: production dilutes the value
-univerity as a space of the training for consumption not the training of production
the previous and this may be melded
-rewarded self-satisfaction of purchase/or purchase power: the efimeral nature of the purchase and the need of more consuption.
-Simbolism of the purchase/purchase power
among some possible others, for now i have to return to Unamuno and the rol of religion and the spiritual search in 20th century spain, since it is such a concise topic easily covered in the range of 5-10 pages, right?
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