Sunday, April 18, 2010

related to a project in school and quite possibly the focus for expanded studies:

distance is the medium that brings peace to the memories of the traumas and the experiences that were the parents to those memories. no matter the way that distance is achieved, is seems a necessary in order that the repetition or cycle of trauma can be cut. although one necessary piece, there are many others that need to be in place so that the battle between the necessity to leave the moment behind, and the desire not to forget can occur. only with that battle, can there be the necessary, and unwanted, mental casualties that bring about the peace, or if not casualties, possibly a quarantine of certain trauma and their associated feelings.

the current project looks into the idea of distance and tries to describe the varying types of distance that are used in the process of breaking the cycle of trauma so that the past is neither repeated nor re-experienced internally: the view, with the memory, remains, but the possibility to return and experience the trauma is left behind.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

I want someone who knows that I am not perfect, but believes that I am anyway.


Thursday, April 01, 2010

I cannot say that I have never run from anything in the past, even with my heard-headed nature, but I can see with a certain clarity - even during the events themselves - that I am running from something at the current moment. Even with my mind blurred with days of intense sessions and long runs, so as not to great the thing from which I run, I can see what it is that I am avoiding. It moves like a puma in the jungle, so black it nears purple and morphs into the shape of everything that embodies it. It is an ocean, it is everything that floats quietly on the tips of small waves, everything that looms in the agression of stormy seas. They are friends, they are awkwardly shared friends, they others held in common. Today and yesterday, I run from the ocean of reminders. Tomorrow, I run again.